Welcome to another (better late than never) Way-Out Wednesday!
Now that the holiday season is officially all up in our grill, it's time to start thinking about buying presents for our ingrate friends and family again! Ho ho ho, dammit. (Side note: for the record, it's
impossible to feel anything remotely resembling "jolly" or "in the holiday spirit" when you're in an aisle at Walgreen's that simultaneously has 75% off Halloween crap that 4 people with shopping carts are wildly digging about, competing for squeeze tubes of fake blood and bags of Spongebob gummy eyeballs as if they're the last ones on earth while the
other side of the aisle is lined with an army of stuffed chihuahuas singing "Feliz Navidad" and boxes of the sad little Christmas tree from Charlie Brown. Also: Longest. Run-on. Ever.)
This year I'm making an effort to get everyone extra special, extra
weird Christmas presents. I have a few eccentric
artiste friends who still rock it old school by, like,
using a typewriter or
getting all classy on my ass with calligraphy pens or even
sending letters in the mail type of old school. So today's pick for Way-Out Wednesday ain't vintage (sorry) and it ain't clowns (you're welcome, Inky) but it is pretty way-out, as far as conventional and modern products go. Do you know any writers? Anyone with a gift for gab, a penchant for the pen, a way with words? (Bloggers don't count. I'm talking about
real writers. Ha!) Writers who also like, well,
meat? If so, they may just dig this, in 3 words:
Bacon. Flavored. Envelopes. Seriously. It's a must. I'm dying to know what manner of bacon of which it resembles- pork bacon tastes totally different than turkey bacon, which is in a whole other zip code from veggie bacon. Has anyone heard of the bacon envelopes or maybe even tried it? If so, please report in! (Everyone else, report back in when you're done retching, no rush. Swine-flavored paper products can do that to a person.)
Pack of 25 Bacon Flavored Envelopes are available on the website
J&D's, whose motto is "Everything Should Taste Like Bacon". They sell Bacon Salt (good idea) and Baconnaise, some sort of spreadable bacon (maybe not such a good idea), if bacon flavored envelopes aren't quite weird enough for you.