Because it's: A.) friday night and B.) a day after New Year's and therefore C.) the utmost of slacking and lazing is probably going on with most people, I'm going to do the super cheesy blog thang and share with you fine party people a website I recently discovered called Toothpaste For Dinner. I'm sure most of the universe has already seen this site and moved on, but since I seem to be on a permanent 4 month delay of discovering crap on the internets, just act like it's new to you. Do it for me. And if not for me, for the love of all things New Wave, do it for Wang Chung. (And PS: Did you know that Wang Chung is classified as a British new wave band? Seriously! I didn't even know they were British and also, "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" couldn't be less new wave-y if Marie Osmond was the lead singer.)
Anyway, Toothpaste For Dinner is a fun/funny site of comics. I know, you're all "Comics? Wow. How very 1986. You sure have your finger on the pulse of all which is hip and happenin' Kim. Just...Wow." But sometimes some of the comics are snarky and sarcastic and dry and just made of awesome, sort of like The Far Side but not quite as amusing. Read for yourself, and if you don't think these samples of TFD comics are the best in scribbled comics, I will double your money back and proceed to give you a good what-for.

(I could stab someone in the retina with a spork, when I hear them say "expresso".)