Today's pick is something I've never had the pleasure of seeing before. It's a perfect mix of wacky-meets-macabre and therefore I adore it. It's a vintage bank -- but not just any ol' bank. A bank of doom.

Not so fast there, sparky. Don't be deceived at first glance of Doom Bank. It seems innocent enough at first. A bunch of cracked-out, possibly schizophrenic, likely acid-tripping, hippie vegetables. (I like to imagine they have voices like Janice from the Muppets. "Like wow." ) You know, just hanging out, pondering some of life's big questions like why the beet in the middle apparently has a set of cajones.
But then, turn it around and you'll see that they're actually sitting IN A POT...

...that's ON FIRE...

That's right, kids, the vegetables are being COOKED and they probably don't even know it. And if they do, the illicit narcotics they're on are making it OK. At first I felt bad for the poor unsuspecting critters, but now I secretly find it amusing that they're an hour away from being borscht. Is that wrong? Then I don't wanna be right.
Freaking awesome Vintage 60s Chalkware Neon Veggie Soup Bank is currently available on Etsy from seller Daisy Fairbanks.