Today's the 2nd installment of Halloween Fridays and today's theme is the black cat! Usually a sign of bad luck and misfortune if they cross your path, if you believe in that sort of wives tale-y sort of thing. I prefer not to have any cat cross my path because I just don't like them. I know, I know, I'm a chick and apparently my gender is supposed to simply adore cats, but oddly, I do not. Cats suck, in my book. But I do like the image of cats, for what it's worth!
In conclusion, black cats in cartoons= awesome. Real life ones= not at all awesome. That's the point I took too long to get to.
So today's picks are all over the map- some are actual 50's vintage, some are homemade from charming Etsy crafty types, but I think all are cool for what they are, and I hope you dig 'em too. Enjoy!

An Original Print Called "Otto, Ramses and Wolfgang". Aww c'mon, how cute is this?

Giant Sparkly Cat Heart Pendant. I love that this is a honking big size at 2" wide. I like my jewelry to be over the top and ridiculous. Plus, the cat reminds me of the cat in Coraline.

See? Coraline cat!

Black Cat Psychobilly Pencil Skirt from Zombie Kitten Originals. That's hot. (Eew. Kill me for sounding like Paris Hilton, please.)

Vintage 50's Cat Novelty Print Dress from Posh Pig Vintage. OK, so technically these aren't black cats, but a fun novelty print of pastel cats holding parasols. You'd be hard-pressed to find actual older vintage (meaning pre 70's) with menacing black cats on them. So you'll take it and like it!

Vintage 50's Rhinestone Cateye Sunglasses. Are these not the cattiest of cat eye glasses you've ever seen?! They're wicked cool and so...well, catty!

Vintage 50's MAX FACTOR Hypnotique Sophisti-Cat Perfume. I can't stand that sort of sugary pun on words (like Sophisti-cat)- even though I've on occasion thrown out some pretty corny ones myself- but I'll give ol' Max a pass, because, I mean, rhinestone eyes and pearl necklace makes up for the cutespeak! I wonder what it smells like? Cat? (Wait, eeeew...)