Is it because we don't trust our neighbors, afraid they might spike the lemonade? Because I'd be afraid of that. The again, I also live in a craptastic area. In fact, I can see Interstate 80 from my backyard, that's how classy of an area I live in. (Don't be hatin', I know you're jealous.) If anyone is ever travelling across the US on I-80 west, let me know when you're heading this way and I'll send up a flare when you're close and you can roll out of the car, down the hill, across the wooded lot, across the empty lot and into my backyard. It can't fail! Hold the phone. Isn't there an 80's John Mellencamp song about an interstate running through someone's yard? It's just like that here, except replace the good people/mid western livin'/mullets and tractors/soda pop and hot dogs/Field Of Dreams/good times with robberies/cheap housing/hood rats and tricked-out day-glo Hondas. Hondas for crying out loud! So you see the similarities.
The point I took a long stinking time in a very stupid way to make is that A.) lemons are on my mind and B.) You can never go home again and C.) I have a hard time making a clear, concise thought in a short period of time and space. GOSH.
In honor of lemons today, I suggest you not only rock out 90's-style and listen to the Lemonheads (keep the angst, lose the flannel) or invest in some Lemonheads candy,

but also invest in some good, lemony vintage! Coming soon (this week!) to Fast Eddie's Retro Rags is this vintage 50's lemon novelty print dress, with rhinestone neckline! Even the biggest sourpuss will think it's sweet! (Good lord, that was cheesy as hell. Never again.)

You can't mess with these lemons, baby. (I don't know what means, it's just that kind of day.