Welcome to Atomic Tuesday!
Today's pick for Atomic Tuesday is this cute
That's the seller's exact title, by the way. Here's the thing. I have many, if not an overabundance of, questions. "Pin up"? Hmmm, not sure if that's entirely accurate. "Party"? Ehhhh. And "full circle"? I'm not sure if people fully understand what that means but it should, by its very definition, form a full and complete circle shape when laid flat. Maybe it's just the angles, but this looks more "A"-line-ish to me than circle. And the tags in the listing are "Marilyn Monroe, Grease, bombshell and new look", which are a little...you know, not really choice, either. But I'm not here to criticize a seller's wordage, because I'm not concerned with what other sellers do. I do have a question about the original intent of the skirt. Doesn't it look like someone got all Scarlett O'Hara-y on our asses and scissored the hell out of the drapes and fashioned them into a skirt? Which is fine and all! I'm not opposed to upcycling stuff into...you know, other stuff. We don't know the circumstances. Maybe the former owner fell on economic hard times (geeze, what are
those) and had to do some crafty improvising. To which I say, go on girl! Maybe there was a fire and this was the only thing the former owner could grab onto on the way out the door, which was probably on fire. To which I also say, good on ya, mate! Who knows, really. I have too many questions today and should probably just acknowledge that this is just a cute, atomic print skirt and leave it at that. I'm not hatin' and I'm arguing. (It's too cold to anyway!) I wanna know your thoughts! Former curtains or intentional fashion? Neither? Both? Turn the damn heat up already? (I vote for the last one.)