I *love* when a vintage glassware pattern matches the dinnerware, I really do. And I *especially* love when you discover glassware that matches a line of dinnerware and never knew such a thing existed! Make sense? Yeah. I figured not.

This is just one of a Set of 4 Vintage 50's Swiss Alpine Glasses. It's such a happy little pattern, isn't it? The aqua flowers! The wee trees! All the cute could kill me where I stand.
Swiss Alpine is one of my favorite non-pink/non-atomic patterns. The pattern was an American line available from the company Marcrest, and here's one more little useless factoid to drop on you~ the Swiss Alpine pattern was discontinued in 1960. So dig that. Alex Trebek, you best watch your back, because now we're ready to drop some serious knowledge on yo' ass. Seriously though, I'm way excited that there's a line of matching glassware, as I figured there was just the standard dinner plate/teacup/gravy boat option. Not that I need any more glasses (like I need a kick in the pants), but still, it's nice knowing they're available!
Set of glasses now available on Etsy from seller Vintageer.