Whatever happened to the days when men dressed like men? When did it become OK to wear baseball caps indoors and Miller Light pajama pants to the grocery store? Why don't men light women's cigarettes anymore or do any of those Little Things that Gentleman Do, like they did in the 40's and 50's? When did women allow their men to go out in public looking like hobo douche bags? And why was I not consulted first?! How dare this happen without my consent. Trixie, take a memo. Time to launch Operation Black Magic.

It's never too late for a guy to dress a little more swellegant, you know. Skinny tie? Check. Pork pie? Check. Pinky ring? Duh. While wearing a sharkskin suit to go to the Quickie Mart may be overkill, it wouldn't kill you to wear a jacket and button-down shirt once in a while. Unless the jacket had hidden scorpions in the pocket, then it'd kill you.
It's the little details that count and I swear we chicks go crazy cuckoo for them. And not *just* me but Extremely Hot Chicks With Big Racks Just Like Me *everywhere*. Cuff links. Cabbie hats. 2tone shoes. A wild 40's tie. Just not a Hooters tee shirt. When in doubt, repeat your mantra: "What Would Frank Wear?". Know it. Use it. Live it.
Swanky clothes. Love them. Buy them, Wear them.
Smoking jackets good enough to actually smoke in, but even cooler to wear out. (And if I hear "Halloween", "Hefner" or "Bosstone" you will fear The Wrath of Kim.) From my stash at Fast Eddie's Retro Rags.

Not just suspenders. But vintage 40's Stork Club suspenders, people. STORK CLUB. Get with it. From Dorothea's Closet Vintage.

Records or martini olives? Depends on how many jack and cokes you've had I suppose, though I'm favoring olives. No, records. No, olives. No, donuts. OK, olives. From Morning- Glorious.