On my way home from the gym this morning (yes, I said gym! more on that another day), I stopped at a totally random monday morning yard sale almost exactly 1 mile away from my house. It was at this amazing Victorian house on a Christmas tree farm that I've admired for years. While I love mid-century modern design, I appreciate
all old architecture but have a soft spot for Victorians. This place is the type you'd see on a card or in a movie or something equally as cheesy~ huge white Victorian house with a wraparound porch, stained glass windows, beat-up 1950's truck parked next to a red barn, and of course the acres and acres of Christmas trees. I should've taken a picture, it was
that dreamy!
Anyway. Yard sale. So I stop, not getting my hopes up or expecting to find anything great, and that's partly true; while I didn't get any major scores, I did find a handful of wonderfully tacky crap I couldn't pass up. Plus, everything I bought was a nickel. Seriously.
5¢. The owners of the house were of course, the cutest, white-haired old couple you'd ever meet. Sweet as pie and happy as clams that a dork like me bothered asking them 20 questions about their home & Christmas tree farm business. The stuff I bought is far from impressive, but hey, you can't beat the price or help being suckered in by cute old folks!
The crapola I bought, let me show you it~
Vintage drinking glass with super cool graphics- it says "Aviation Terrace, Sport Service". The wildflowers I *just* picked a second ago! Or a few minutes,
whatever, time nazis.
Not vintage (I don't think so anyway), but I have a thing for garden gnomes. This little guy is terra cotta and looks like it's a do-it-yourself paint craft type dealie. Great. Me and completing craft projects go together like oil and water. I think he'll just stay unpainted. And he'll
like it that way.
Vintage fruit basket stained glass thingie. The old lady said she made it herself in the 70's and that made me really sad for some reason, like no one wanted her poor , useless stained glass project so out it went into the yard sale. My mom made tons of stained glass sun catchers like this back in the day, so I must have been feeling nostalgic and sentimental. It even came with fishing line & a suction cup attached already, so it got splatted onto my kitchen window as soon as I got home. It does look kind purdy in the sun. Bonus feature: it helps hide the dirty window so that's a plus. Now if only I can find 87 more, I'll never have to wash the windows again.
And the most tacky of all is this plastic beaded homemade plant hanger. Oy vey...
Good lord, what was I thinking?
The 10 year old, 1986 Kim loves this. If it had rainbows and glitter and puffy stickers and unicorns hanging off of it I probably would've had a stroke. I recall making lots of junk out of these same exact beads, like necklaces and whatnot. Ohmygosh, it's fug. But if being sentimental only costs me a nickel, then I'm a tacky ol' fool with 5 pennies less in my pocket!
Total spent: 20¢
I tried giving the old man a quarter, but he
insisted I wait for my 5¢ change. Now
that's service!