Attention, please. Attention, please! We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news! Aqua Blue Heaven Fridays has been temporarily cancelled! It will be replaced with what is now being called "Halloween Fridays". Please do not be alarmed. There is no need to panic! We come in peace and bring you tidings of great things to come! We'll now return to your regularly scheduled program. That is all. (And buy war bonds!)
Welcome to what used to be Aqua Blue Heaven Friday! OK, so don't freak. It still is, but starting today and for the next 4 fridays, I'm going to be swapping out the aqua theme and doing all Halloween-themed fridays! I'll still be showcasing vintage items, just ones that have to do with Halloween. You know me: I love themes! I love making lists! I love collections! And I love this time of year! So it only seems right to get a little wacky this month. Calm down, I'll be bringing back aqua starting the first friday of November and all will be right with the world as you know it again. Change is good, right? So they say. I dunno, I fear change but somehow this one is gonna rock! Or so I say.
So let's move on with the very first Halloween Friday! Today's Halloween theme is the pumpkin and the jack o-lantern, because, of course it should start out that way. Enjoy, boils and ghouls! (Ha! And just think: it only just begun. The bad puns only get worse from this point, and you have a whole month of dealing with them! You're welcome.)

Vintage Autumn Pumpkins Novelty Print Blouse.

Vintage Corocraft Rhinestone Pumpkin Pin.

Vintage 50's Autumn Harvest Novelty Print Tablecloth.

Vintage Mini Halloween Cake Toppers.

Vintage 60's Electric Jack O'Lantern Lights.