Today's Way-Out Wednesday is all about the owl. The stinking freaking owl. I'm seeing them
everywhere, which is funny because I thought the whole owl trend was SO last year, so either the area I live in is much more behind the times than I figured (and I live in a college town, go figure) or those stinking freaking hipsters can't think of any other retro thing to to ironically make less cool so they stick with what they know. Or maybe the college hipsters around here are not very good at it. Whatever the reason, I can't really say I'm a fan. Not that I have anything against owls, they serve their purpose and all, what with teaching us about pollution (stupid hippie owls) and the proper way to eat a Tootsie Pop. And where would we be without the invention of the LOL cat (LOL owl?) picture that every hypernerd uses as his avatar that says "O RLY?"
(There ya go. This is what I mean, for you people with a life who don't spend 20 hours a day on the computer.)
So today we're rocking the owls one last time, a symbolic heave-ho, like a Viking funeral. You know, but...not. And anyway, these beauties I found aren't just
any owls, not hipster owls (like those big honking necklaces and baby tees they buy at Claire's or Hot Topic or whatever stupid store they shop in to buy that crap). These owls are the real fugly/awesome deal, bona fide vintage 70's. And all
wall hangings, so you can decorate your house extra pretty-like. Sigh. You're welcome, I'm sure.
I'm pretty sure this
wooden owl family hate you.
MAN, I don't know what you did to piss off the owl community, but this
angry couple hates you too.
Well that's better. These guys are a happy bunch, aren't they? And while I do luurve this color, lime green, fitting? for owls. Actually, I think this
green couple ate some bad field mice. I feel sorry for the guy who parked his car under these guys.
The first rule of Flight Club is: you do not talk about Flight Club. Second rule: never, under any circumstances, participate in Flight Club activities after dropping acid.
These two owl babysitters, all alone on the 40 acre farm, were in an utter state of panic and shock when they discovered the call was coming
from inside the barn.
"So then after dinner, he says he "forgot" the concert tickets up in his apartment and we just need to run up there for a minute to grab them. So we go up to his apartment and...shh, hold on a second Francine...umm,
excuse me? Can I
help you with something or are you just gonna pretend you're not listening in on our conversation?...I swear Francine, humans are the rudest. Anyway, like I was saying, we're up in his apartment and..."
"Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.