Today's vintage aqua treat is this Vintage Mid Century Recipe Binder, available on Etsy from seller Cocktails at Six:

How can you not love the kicky font of "Recipe Book"? (Notice how the "O's" in "Book" look like hard boiled eggs?! No, really. Do you see it?...How about now?) I know alot of my lovely readers are big fans of vintage kitchen stuff AND I know alot of you dig old-fashioned "tried and true" recipes. Me too! But you know what else I really love? I love when stuff comes with other stuff!...Oh come on, you do too know what I mean. I'll explain: Not only is this a pretty cute binder for holding your recipes and whatnot, but it comes with a few recipes attached inside already! See? Free stuff that comes with your stuff! It makes total sense now, I'm sure.
Observe! It comes with a recipe for "Rolled Molasses Cookies" (excuse me a moment while I busy entertaining myself with how it sounds like "rolled my ass". Carry on):

As a super spectacular added bonus, it even comes with a recipe for "Ham Loaf." You heard me: Ham. Loaf. I bet it has something jellied in it. You're welcome, I'm sure.