Because we're way nerdy up in this piece, I'm all for promoting reading when I can. A good murder mystery or crime novel (aka: "bad girls", "dope fiends", "jailbait" and other such delinquents of the 1950's) is always good. But really, vampires, werewolves and zombies make not only the best horror movies, but are classic good reads. Best of all, the cover art is phenomenal! "Phenomenal" as in: really, spectacularly cheesy in the best and most gloriously campy way. So I thought I'd get a little "Reading Is Fundamental" on your asses and show off a good read. Perhaps delve you into the swingin' world of 1960's vampires, when vampires were real and bad ass, before they cashed in on the scene and became vegans made out of glitter:

Hmm. It would seem Vlad waxed his chest for this special occasion. Apparently he wants to show you his West Side Vampires Represent neck tattoo. While I fully endorse the use of matching blue velvet cape sets, I'm a little confused. Where's the terror? Where's the blood and guts? Where's the sacrificial virgins?! And why is Kenny Rogers there in the background so angry?! Damn you, John Burke! Damn you straight to hell. Or to Forks, Washington.
Vintage 1967 Hammer Horror Paperback available on Etsy from seller Sophie Hardy's Vintage.