First, I want to say a hearty Happy New Year! Here's hoping 2010 sucks less than '09. And a big fat welcome to all my new followers to the Girl Can't Help It! If you're following me, I'll follow you back. You know, eventually. It's something I need to update, so if I'm not following you at the moment, let me know so I can return the love. I tend to slack when it comes to updating the blog a bit. OK, I slack alot. On a similar note, if you link to this blog or to my vintage shop Fast Eddie's Retro Rags, again, give me a kick in the arse so I can link back your blog/shop.
I'd also like to thank everyone who makes the effort to leave me comments! I relish reading what you guys have to say. You guys rule so hard and you don't even know it. I try to find the time during the week to read and catch up with your blogs that I'm currently following, but often have even less time to comment on them all. I know. I suck at that. I'm sorry. Something I'm working on for the new year is leaving more comments. So I just want you to know that just because I haven't been commenting much lately, doesn't mean that I don't adore all of your blogs!
Now, some ch-ch-changes. Generally I like things to stay the same. Not a fan of change. However there are some things that I tire of easily. I'm one that needs to rearrange my furniture every 6 months because I like when it looks fresh and interesting. Call it creative visual aesthetic analness, if you will. Same goes for the blog. My mind's always running on creative overtime. Problem is, there's too many ideas rolling around and either not enough follow-through or ability to "make it happen". I've been thinking of getting rid of 1 or 2 of the weekly themes I do- Atomic Tuesday and/or Aqua Blue Heaven Fridays. Finding (cool) atomic things to promote each week is not too easy some weeks, and similarly, I think the aqua thing is getting a little stale. But I don't want to change anything without running it past you guys first, especially if it's something you really dig or look forward to! If I got rid of those 2 themes, I of course am already thinking of replacing them with new themes. Maybe promote a new color. Maybe a particular era or decade. We'll see.
So. Your opinions please, good OR bad. How would you feel if I axed Atomic Tuesday & Aqua Blue Heaven Fridays and replaced them with all new, delicious themes? Would you like to see more posts about vintage fashion? There can be more education of vintage or even just promoting more of it. More vintage/retro stuff, in general? Knit Wit posts? More interviews? What would YOU like to see more of? (Or LESS of, for that matter.)
Gimme your opinions, your 2 cents and your backseat driving! Don't be shy! Step right up to the greatest show on earth. If you don't speak up, then I'll have to assume the Girl Can't Help It rocks so hard that it can't be touched.