Just a quickie post (I said "just a quickie" uh huh huh huh, shut up Beavis), because it's friday night and I have incredibly exciting and important and amazing and magical things not to do. But. I discovered a website that is so generally
me, so wonderfully indifferent and pessimistic and magical (yeah, I don't know what's up with all the "magical" crap either) that I sort of have to share the dismal. Maybe you've already discovered it (in which case, what, you think you're better than me because you dork out on the computer longer than I do?), but if you haven't, the site is
Despair.com. Before you're all "Kim, what's the haps, are you turning Goth on me? Have you been buying your clothes at Hot Topic or WHAT because you're freaking me out, man", let me say that no, I am no goth but I do love me some Smiths and generally most 80's gloomy British bands of the ilk, so back off my jock. Nay, the site sells novelty schlock like tee shirts, mouse pads, coffee mugs and that general sort of crap, but the stuff printed on them is hi
lariously dismal. Sounds weird, I know. But here is a sampling of some of my favorite posters, not that I'd actually
buy any, but I sure do love going to the website and wasting time reading all 100-odd sayings they've got. I could marry the guy who made this stuff up. (Although, it might be a girl who invented it, in which case I'd have to wonder if she's my alternate-universe doppelganger, like in that episode of the Twilight Zone.) Good times. In a not-at-all-good-but-slightly-depressing-because-it's-true way. Behold: