First, let me half ass-edly apologise for skipping yesterday's Atomic Tuesday. I was having a torrid and tempestuous love affair with my accountant for a couple hours and writing a blog after all that hot and heavy action is not possible. Well, OK, it's partly true. I
was at my accountant's office yesterday. Gettin' my
taxes on. Yeah, not so exciting anymore, is it? And when I got home, I was beat. Game over. I was spent, like yesterday's nickel for a shoeshine and pastrami on rye with a deli barrel pickle on the side. Or whatever. Make up your own damn film noir similes.
Next week we'll be back to our regular themes. Unless my accountant calls me back in for more ...
number crunching. Ooh-la-freaking-la.
But there IS today! Yes, today I will make it all up to you on this fine Way-Out Wednesday, my little cherub bottoms, with another Holiday Horror: Valentine's Day edition.

Behold, the most romantic and charming
Vintage Valentine's Day Card you could possibly bestow upon your love muffin:

If you have to fake a suicide attempt in order to get your object of affection to agree to a date with you, you're doing it wrong. Unless you happen to like psychotic, bat-crazy nutjobs, then it's your lucky day!