Welcome to Way-Out Wednesday!

Uncle Guiseppe the Creepy Perv Organ Grinder Monkey waits for you to fall asleep. Uncle Guiseppe the Creepy Perv Organ Grinder Monkey is gonna touch you while you sleep. And smell your hair. And probably try on your brand new Manolos. And then eat the other half of your Italian sub from Subway that you were planning on taking to work tomorrow.

Uncle Guiseppe the Creepy Perv Organ Grinder Monkey is pretty sure you're gonna like it. You know- the being touched part. Not the "finding your size 7 heels stretched out and smelling like garlic-scented feet sweat and having your sandwich scarfed during a midnight pot bender by your bedbug-riddled, deadbeat primate of a roommate" part.
Inspiration for today vintage pick, this weirdly awesome Vintage 50's Organ Grinder Monkey Yarn Doll is currently offered for sale on Etsy from seller Valuable Vintage.