Today's vintage pick for Way-Out Wednesday isn't weird, strange or a creepy-ass clown or doll. But it's pretty damn cool and something I didn't realise I would neeeeed until I saw it. And now I love things... that hide other things. Secret compartments! I guess some 'splainin' is in order. You guys know what poison rings are, right? (Think: the way medieval Tony Soprano-style goons got, well, medieval on their enemies' asses and "bumped them off" by slipping 'em a mickey that was cleverly hidden in their ring?) Well, how's about a poison brooch?!...

It's disguised as an unobvious and dainty lil daisy and you're all like "whatever, daisy pin". But wait! It's not sweet and harmless. It's a poison daisy! And that, my friends, is fantastic.

See? Poison time! I suppose the conventional and sappy thing to do would be to keep a picture of your sweetie pie in there, or a lock of hair ... but who wants that? I prefer the noir-y dramatics of imagining some jilted lover bumping off her two-timin' man! (What? Is that wrong?)
The Vintage Daisy Poison Pin of Doom (ok, FINE, picture holder) is currently available for $8 (!) on Etsy from seller Denisebrain. Knock 3 times, ask for Maggie, then tell her Little Red sent you to "take care of the ol' ball and chain." She'll hook you up.