You know what I have zero of? Long-sleeved vintage dresses. Seriously. Not a one. I just never came across any cute frocks with long sleeves, I guess-- and not because I have especially long arms and legs, making it a feat against nature to find anything that doesn't make me look like I'm wearing a kindergartner's dress. (Ok, so maybe I do have that problem, but that's not the reason for no long sleeves, I swear.) So upon waking this morn to a particularly fall-ish day (cold, grey, rainy, blah-yet-ohmygawdilovethisweather), I decided to search for vintage long sleeves (in novelty prints, natch) and found this awesomeness, this Vintage 50's Letter Novelty Print Dress, available on Etsy from seller Sixsexsix (LOVE the shop name, btw!):

So, OK, it's technically only got 3/4-length sleeves, but oh well. That's a sacrifice I'd be willing to make with a fun print like that. Cold arms be damned!