Welcome to another exciting friday of Aqua Blue Heaven! Today's bunch-o-awesome is all about the drinking glass. You could say they're good for orange juice. I'd say I'll see your OJ and raise you a vodka. You could say they're good for Diet Coke. I'd say I'll see your Diet Coke and raise you a Jack Daniels. I don't know about you guys, but when it comes to glasses, mine are of the mix-and-match variety. One of these days (Alice, bang!zoom!) I'll show you my collection of vintage glasses. They don't quite match per say but they all sorta match in theme of color, so it's all good in this hood. But not in the mixy-and-matchy cutesy tootsy way like that crazyass Rachel Ashwell and her shabby chic pink and red gingham conglomeration of nightmares. Actually, I think the nutbag holds a patent on the "shabby chic" phrase and I heard that if you say the phrase out loud, she'll appear in a mirror, step out and redecorate your house in chipped-paint white sideboards and overstuffed, rose chintz throw pillows and bitch slap you with a lavender-scented scrapbook before stepping back into the mirror. No, seriously. It's true.
Anyway, whether used for cocktails or going virgin (ha!), these vintage 50's aqua glasses pretty much rock. Or roll. I can't decide.

Aqua & pink vintage 50's...hmm...atomic circus-y (?) set from
Aqua & pink stripey vintage 50's set of 8 glasses in a coolio carrying...type... uh, carry...thing. From
Aqua and white vintage 50's frosty glasses. From
Sson777. (They're described as being "mouth blown" in the listing....uh huh huh huh...why, yes, I
do have the humor of a 15 year old boy. Why do you ask?)

It's like I always never say: you can never have too many glasses with steamboats on them. Vintage 50's/60's aqua and gold set of 4 glasses from
Jen's Closet.
Fun aqua and green checkerboard-y pattern (sort of, but not really) set of 4 vintage glasses also from
Jen's Closet.

Wicked awesome (I said that just now in my head with a Boston accent. You know, in case you were wondering how I say things in my head) atomic throwing stars in one of my all-time favorite color combos, olive green and aqua. Vintage 60's set of 2 glasses from
Before He Finds Out.

And since we're on the subject of all this drinking, remember the days when you sent out invitations to do random things
like drinking? Yeah, me neither. But I wish I did. I wish we lived in a swankier time where it was apropos to send invites for cocktails and crudites on sticks and Dean Martin on the hifi at 8:00 sharp. Neato bandito vintage new old stock package of cocktail invitations from
My Vintage Whimsy. I think I've just found my new mission. (Not from God. He wouldn't approve.) A mission to bring proper cocktail parties back!