I've been pretty MIA around here and I apologise for the skimpy posts lately. Hey, it's summer. It happens. (I'll probably be rockin' the skimpy posts for a while, just so's you know. At least, until I get sick of summer, which should be any day now.) I've got many projects up in the air right now-the "big one" includes a vintage sweater, me and a book--that's all I can say for now, without jinxing the whole damn thing. Sorry to be a tease, but-- mwuahahaha! So please bear with me over the next month or 2 of lameness, okay? Okay, dammit.
Do you remember how in last week's post I said how much I'm loving vintage things-that-hold-other-things? (AKA: The Daisy Pin of Doom -or- the Poison Pin?) Well I found me another thing-that-cleverly-disguises-another-thing...oh man, is it strange and great...
Not poison but...

...Salt and pepper! Because the lack of proper food flavoring is a growing concern in these hard times of ours. Look how fun-- they're lanterns!...that just happen to hold salt and pepper. (Why? Who the hell knows why they're shaped like lanterns? Because, that's why!)
Vintage Lantern-Shaped Salt & Pepper Lucite Earrings are currently available on Etsy from seller Studio Stebby Lee!