The Quilters of South Carolina created the Arfull Bras Project, where members designed bras in the name of Breast Cancer Awareness, and they're really like mini works of art involving feathers (good), sequins (awesome) and all sorts of other random crap (and who doesn't love random crap?) The exhibit is traveling all over the state of SC until October after which the bras will be auctioned off and the proceeds going to the Best Chance Network, an organisation that provides care and treatment of uninsured women across the state who are diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer. And not to be all Debbie Downer or anything, but most of us know someone who has battled breast cancer. (Check out the schedule for the exhibit here.)
PSA over. Lets look at some over the shoulder boulder holders already! (yeah, maybe I am 12.) Here's a sample of some of my favorites:

For your inner Fembot.

Get a load of them melons!

Underwires are from hell.

I have nothing witty to say about this. Just that it's almost unhealthy how much I really, really want to wear this one.