Welcome to today's Aqua Blue Heaven! (Today's post will be short & sweet, due to something called a "Henry. Henry is our new dust mop of a puppy who happens to be a glorious little freak show & requires mucho attention. I'm not a fan of needy people, let alone needy critters, but he's so cute I could eat his face right off, so he gets a pass on being an attention-seeking fuzzbucket. More about him later.)
Today's theme is the vintage 50's aqua telephone. And the crowd goes "Ooooo." What a delight! Alas, not too many out there, much like the vintage aqua radios from last week's post, so I hope you enjoy today's bizarro mix of vintage picks!

Vintage 60's Bell Telephone Aqua Keychain Promo

Red Screenprinted 50's Phone Aqua Tee Shirt. Yeah, it's not vintage, but it's cute, so whatevs. The seller can make it in a different color and sizes, too. I love mix-and-matching vintage with modern, so I'd rock this tee with some cuffed jeans and a vintage beaded cardigan over it. Cute!

Vintage 60's Aqua Rotary Phone. Now that's what I'm talking about. Willis.

Vintage See-A-Dial Rhinestone Rotary Dial Cover. I would like to know why I wasn't informed that such a beast existed? Did you? What a fabulously kitschy and unnecessary thing to own! Had I know I could have been bedazzling the crap outta my phone, I would have started years ago! Bedazzling is my god-given right and you will have to pry my Bedazzler from my cold, dead hands before I give it up!...Wait. What was I talking about? I get so distracted and feisty when it comes to beads and rhinestones and useless plastic things to covet. Carry on.
"Call Me" by Blondie.