When you're having a rather craptacular day, the kind that not even your pool boy from a Scandinavian country, a whole bottle of Xanax, and/or a cocktail or 3 can fix, I find that this helps:

Now, on any other day I'd think "sure, it's a cute print, aqua & pink, awesome" and move on, not even paying close attention to their faces. But today was different. Something about this print made me linger a second longer and then I realised why I liked this print so much: the prospect of cats- not quite right cats, somewhat mentally unstable cats, cats with issues, reeeally angry cats- somehow is more entertaining today than anything my friend Jack Daniels could muster. Angry cats, with a side of theatrics. Cats that'll scratch your face off, man...right after they finish reenacting a dance number and the "gettin' cut" scene from West Side Story.

Vintage 50's Wacky Cat Print Fabric currently available on Etsy from seller Majik Horse Fabrics.