As a full-time vintage seller, my daily work routine is generally: dress mannequin, take pictures, edit pictures. Undress mannequin, re-dress mannequin, take pictures, edit pictures. You get the idea. Day after day, hours each day, with some days broken up with writing this trainwreck of a blog. As much as I adore vintage clothing, sometimes I get to the point where I just can't take another day of taking pictures of vintage, or talking about vintage, or looking at vintage. Sometimes, you just gotta get away.
So a few days ago, after getting hit with another wonderful (ha!) blizzard, I ventured out into the snow and took random pictures around my yard. And weirdly enough, as much as me and nature don't exactly see eye-to-eye, I love taking pictures of the outdoors. Go figure. I love the way powdery snowflakes look close up, I love the bizarro shapes in which ice takes form, I love the contrast of dark tree branches against white and how it looks like veins & arteries. Sounds fruity and not at all like me, I know. I loathe the outdoors. It's just a nice diversion from my everyday routine. So humor me in my lame attempts at photography!

See what I mean? Veins and arteries.

These icicles look like slime dripping off a branch.

I like the way this hunk-o-ice looks like the Blob.

These threaten to impale me every time I go out the back door.