Welcome to this week's (Aqua) Blue Heaven Friday! Apparently it's summer everywhere across the country right now, except for us in the Northeast. Heat? Pssh, surely you jest. What is this "heat" of which you speak? Come to the beautiful northeast this summer, where we offer you grey skies, drenching downpours and now for the kids to play with: deer ticks brimmin' with Lyme Disease! But that's not all! We also have...mosquitoes! Lots and lots of mosquitoes. But kids aren't the only ones who can have fun: For you adult tourists, we made sure our mosquitoes come with extra West Nile disease! I think we must be getting punished for being the meanest states in the country. Or it's karma. Or it's all just a coincidence. I heard the rest of the US is pretty much blazing-ass hot, so with you guys in mind, I found something way awesome that may help your cause. I give you: the vintage aqua electric fan.

50's Eskimo Desk Fan.

50's Refurbished Eskimo Fan.

50's Cute Little Desk Tabletop Fan.

This one kicks so much ass because it's industrial-sized! Good for someone in Texas, where everything is bigger. (Did you see that joke right there? You know, because they say everything is bigger in Texas, and this fan is also big? Yeah, I know that was not even a remotely humorous joke. I'm coping with it.) 50's Dominion Brand Big Ol' Fan.

I had no idea there was such a beast as an electric window fan in the 50's! Did you know?! You lie, you did not. This is seriously so cool and I think I may be in lurve with it- it's a buttload better than the fug white plastic ones from Target that stop working after 2 days. Or gets filled with dead bugs and spider webs. Actually, that might not be so much of a product defect as it is my own lack-of-cleaning-the-fan defect. 50's Window Fan.
"Summer Wind" by Sinatra, 'natch.