Days like today- you know: rainy/snowy/cloudy/grey/cold/crappy/still wintery- make me feel like spring will neeeever get here and we'll all be buried under mounds of dirty-ass snow for the rest of our lives until death do us part. (Cheerful, no?) But then you see a cute and happy lil' frock like this Vintage 60's Aqua Polka Dot Wiggle Dress and you think that even if we never see warm weather again, at least we can take solace in knowing that our carcasses can at least be buried in a cute frock like this and sometimes, just knowing that is enough to get you through days like these. (Wow. Cheerful, no?)
Behold, the happy cuteness! Polka dots- always great! Aqua- never bad! The price- pretty decent!

Now if someone can do something about the weather, that'd be great. Wake me in a month.