Today's pick is a little off the beaten path (what? nooo.) Shocking, indeed. It's not a to die for aqua dress or some kind of crazy cool, over the top jewelry or even an amazing piece-o-furniture. It's....sheet music. Now before you start runnin' yer pieholes about how it couldn't possibly be more boring (hello, Chandler Bing), (also, now I want pie), this isn't any ordinary sheet music. It's polka sheet music. Hell yeah, it is!

It's called "The Too Fat Polka- She's Too Fat For Me" by Arthur Godfrey. I know what you're thinking: "oh my gaaaawd, that's so awfuuuul, how ruuude, I'm offendeeeed", (apparently I envision you all talking like 1980s valley girls). But as a not-size-0 gal myself, I'm telling you, ya gotta get over it and appreciate it for what it is~ campy, delicious corn from the 1940s! (Also, now I want corn.) You're still not over it? Well, that's OK, because the Andrews Sisters retaliated back in 1947 with their version called "The Too Fat Polka- He's Too Fat For Me". (Right on, sisters!)
And for your listening pleasure, here's the foot-stompin', finger poppin', head banging, actual song by the actual Arthur Godfrey:
Yep. Corn rocks pretty hard.
Vintage 1947 Too Fat Polka Sheet Music currently available on Etsy from seller Art Deco Dame.