...Me, in 1972? I wasn't born yet. Not even close. (Give it another 4 more years, though, and the world would never be the same.) If you were on this planet then, do you remember where you were in 1972? No matter where you were, I bet you owned one of these:

The calendar dish towel. (This one is for sale on Etsy from seller Luna Park Foundry for $18. Yikes.) I know you grew up with one in your house. You know why you MUST have owned one of these? Because they're everywhere. They must multiply like Gremlins (or Duggars), since every thrift store or antique mall I've ever gone to has had some incantation of the dated dish towel for sale. And always with the standard rooster, kitchen utensil or ever-popular 1976 bicentennial theme. Makes me sad, really, seeing all these dish towels scattered to the 4 winds, unloved and irrelevant. Understandably, who wants to buy a towel from 1968 with a basket of eggs on it? I'd like to know who thought the current year was so important, it had to be commemorated and remembered on a novelty kitchen linen. (And who would donate one to a thrift store, thinking: "Surely someone is looking for this 1971 towel with a bushel of wheat and bald eagle soaring over a mountaintop on it. I'm such a good person for doing this."
So have you guys ever seen one for sale in your travels? Do you remember the year it was from or what picture was on it? I rather love them, if not for their kitsch factor, then for their pure randomness. I think I need to start a movement. A "Save the Dated Dish Towel" Project, where we buy as many of these suckers as possible, saving them from a useless life of fading away on a dusty Salvation Army shelf, right next to the opened package of adult diapers and "World's Best Boss" coffee mugs.