Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prints Charming Sunday: What A Jackass!

It's the last Prints Charming Sunday for the month! You know what that means, don't you?! ... Well, nothing. Sorry to disappoint with a fake sense of "something good is gonna happen!". Though it feels like something cool should happen, doesn't it? But no.

I figured since I've been showing alot of novelty prints for women lately, it's time the menfolk ... you know, should.. get their dues ... have their day in the sun ...get a mad dope shout-out, yo. Whatever. I fail at popular expressions of teens these days and their love of their jazz records and Tab and Fonzie. Or whatever it is that people say and like these days. (It's painful how hip I am, no?)

So for today's Prints Charming Sunday, it's all about the novelty print- for a man, baby! How stinkin' awesome is this Vintage 50's Donkey Novelty Print Men's Shirt, currently available on Etsy from fab seller Fabs Gabs:

Donkeys? Hell yeah they are! "Burros", to my south of the border amigos. "Jackasses" to my fellow sailor-talking, lovers of swears!


  1. that is adorable FabGabs always has the cutest stuff in her shop

  2. The perfect Election Day shirt for a Democrat!

  3. I was thinking the same thing about election day...they'll need a matching elephant shirt, as well. I love it!
