Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Atomic Tuesday: We Got The Beat

Hey there, kids! It's Atomic Tuesday once again!


There's no real "theme" today and there's only just one atomic-y treat I found, but it's a fun one! As you've all read a jillion times, wearing vintage and collecting vintage "things" is considered "green". (I'm sorry, but it's a term I loathe and I don't apologise for it.) Keep it out of the landfill, think of the children, save the whales, and all that crap. Nonetheless, I think most of us wear and collect vintage stuff not for the sake of being "green" and saving the earth but because, among other reasons, it's just so damn cool. AmIrightoramIright? Well today's vintage find does both: it's upcycling broken-down, vintage bits & pieces that would otherwise be considered junk and it's stylin'. And yes, I did just say "stylin'" because apparently it's 1990.

Behold, the Vintage Eggbeaters-Turned-Atomic Clock:


Is it not, in fact, stylin'?! I find it especially cool. It would only really work in a kitchen I think, but if you wanted to put it over your mantel, then have at it, what do I care. It would also rock in a little cafe or coffee shop, because I know there are so many of you who own cafes and coffee shops, and all. But you get my point. The seller will even make the clock a different color for you! I'm sure it'll look slightly different than the one in the picture, depending on the vintage eggbeater parts at hand. Add this to the "why didn't I think of this?" file!


  1. Yes, that would be totally cool in a kitchen!!

  2. Green scheeem! You're absolutely right! That clock is amazingly cool too.
