You know how they say "March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb? Well who are "they"? And why do THEY have say in the matter anyway?! Who picked THEM to be dictators of saying stuff? I wanna say stuff too! I'm writing a strongly worded letter to "them" about the matter. Anyhow, they were WRONG. Today is the last day of March and it is not going out like a lamb. It is grey and rain-like and not on the springish side and all around craptastic. The kind of day which I love, shock and surprise. Maybe it's because I'm a Scorpio and we like the Dark Side. Dreary days make me happier somehow and I get more work done, like writing grumpy blogs. I think I need re-wiring because that seems unholy. Mother nature, you FOILED ME AGAIN.
Also unholy and wrong yet crafty and fun for the whole family is this page that come from a vintage cookbook, from
LemonLovesPepper. You never know when you'll need to hide the evidence and cut up your side of lamb and feed it to the cops while they case over your apartment. Anyone who knows what I'm talking about gets a shiny new quarter because if you love a disturbed tale as much as I do, then PROPS TO YOU.
Not gruesome, but these lions DO look like they are bad mutha's (shut yo' mouth). You can find this vintage 60's displeased lion novelty print blouse at
Fast Eddie's Retro Rags
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