Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Way-Out Wednesday: God Save The Keane

Welcome to Way-Out Wednesday!


Many moons ago I expressed my love/hate relationship with vintage Keane paintings. (You know the ones: the big-eyed street urchins, usually dirty and/or barefoot, standing alone in an alley? Yeah, those cheerful ones.) While I do love the kitsch factor of them, (and you KNOW I generally love sad/grumpy/murderous-looking things), I just can't wrap my head around the borderline-suicidal, extreme sad factor of them. So what a great surprise it was to find not a bona fide Keane, but a fantastic knockoff. May I present this Vintage Paint-By-Numbers Painting, currently available on Etsy from seller Arctic Timberwolf, who, incidentally, sells nothing but big-eyed things, so it's your lucky day if Keane makes you randy...


Why so sad, street urchin? Is it because you have tears made of flesh, for some reason? Is it because the nuclear blast that has obviously burned your face off has also disfigured your butterfly turning it into a giant mutant freak? Is it because your pizza has melted and fused into your underdeveloped, baby dinosaur arm? Tell me! I must know!



  1. Obviously a horrific microwaving accident has turned both her face and her pizza into moltenous goo. That'd make me melancholy also. (Watch out, butterfly! That's HOT!)

  2. I love Keane paintings because I love big eyes and I guess I was actually kind of a melancholy child so... (wed's child is full of woe you know)

  3. I love your guesses on why she's so sad. You're hilarious.
