Sunday, January 16, 2011

Prints Charming Sunday: Paint Life Grand

I'm baa-aack, after a very long week of snow, more snow, wind, down power lines, power loss and oh yeah, did I mention the friggin' snow?! Because we northeast types had a just a wee bit of it, in case you haven't heard. So I'm glad you've popped in to this here much-missed Prints Charming Sunday, bringing you the finest vintage novelty prints around!


I think we could use a happy little print to peep, don't you? Something to remind us that spring is indeed going to come soon enough, allowing us to put away the flannel and pain in the ass snow boots and break out cool vintage for warm weather, like this Vintage 60's Painter's Palette Print Skirt, available on Etsy from seller Lola Vintage:


Seriously, this print makes me so damn chipper, it's ridiculous. My inner art nerd is kvelling. Did I happen to mention it's a mere 18 bucks?! Because it is. 18 clams, my friends, 18 clamaroonies. If it wasn't too big for me, I'd be all over it like...something that's on something. Sorry. A clever response escapes me at the moment, because of this damn happy.



  1. These Sunday posts kill me. I want an occasion specific print outfit for every event I participate in, by golly! :)

  2. Arggghhh that is so cute! Off the top of my head I'm not sure that I can think of more than a couple of my vintage blouses that aren't prints! The more whimsical and silly the better. I'm even debating among several goofy (modern) prints for my next sewing project. I really just love weird and wonderful prints with an unholy passion. :D

  3. oooh I like that print! Nice to see you back

  4. They're pretty addicting, aren't they Tasha? Once you have one weird print, you want a million more! xo

  5. Hi, Mama! Good to BE back and see purdy faces likes yours again!

  6. Oooh and they tell Me I am an artist, so I should have that grrr

    Why couldn't it be curtains or an artists smock? lol
